We are often asked at Sox Box what sets our socks apart from the others. Aside from the high quality combed cotton and additional spandex tubing that allows for a stretchy fit that will also stay put and not fall down, these socks provide additional benefits. Doctor Issvoran, a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, has provided additional feedback explaining the benefits outside of the extreme comfy support:
"After wearing these socks for over 6 months, the durability of the material has not diminished. The fact that the socks offer support up to the knees allows for superior veinous return of blood flow back to the heart.This can be cardio-protective in patients that may have coagulation disorders. But this should not be construed as a replacement form medicine if indicated.
From an athletic standpoint this contributes to improved stamina over many hours of persistent athletic activity such as running, tennis, hiking, etc. "
Gerard S. Issvoran, DO

Thank you Doctor for explaining the science behind our feet feeling so good with these socks on!!