Sox out of the Box Project
At The Sox Box we operate on a simple principle popularized by Mr. Spike Lee himself… Do the right thing. Knowing that socks are in high demand for our nation’s current military and service veterans, we reached out to several different veteran organizations and engaged in our favorite activity…socking them. The Sox Box has now donated thousands of pairs of sox to various veterans groups including our flagship partner The Independence Fund as well as Gateway for Cancer Research.
Senior Veterans go Beast Mode! The Sox Box donated over 100 socks to the Veteran home in Redding California.
Indy Fund veteran shows off Indy Fund socks with lovely little ladies! The Sox Box donated over 600 pair of Indy Fund socks to our severely injured service veterans, their caretakers as well as the incredible Indy Fund volunteers. We cannot be more proud of our brothers and sisters… a truly inspirational bunch!
Indy Fund veteran shows off his socks. This Vietnam veteran recently received a mobility track chair from Independence Fund and it changed his life.
The Sox Box donated over 700 pair of Sox to the Veterans Transition Center in Marina California in support of their Veteran Stand down, a local event to provide food, clothing, shelter and medical care to the regions veteran in need.