The Holiday Season gives us pause and time to be thankful for so much that has happened and consider what is yet to come. Life is an incredible compilation of moments… some larger and others smaller… some happy… and others sad… motivational, inspiring and then depressing. Athena and I have experienced so many of life’s moments and have learned to take nothing for granted. Our opportunity to live and share sox with our global community of fans is nothing short of amazing. We draw strength and courage from all of you! Your motivation, inspiration, health, and spirited generosity have provided the fuel for the success of this company. As the Sox Box continues to grow, so does our global team. An even better year than this one awaits, and we look forward to the challenge! Thanks to all of you for allowing us to provide these socks, and in return help to change the world for the better. Finally, please keep in mind our brothers and sisters across the world who are less fortunate then we are and reach out to them, comfort them and offer your support. We heal as a team and we win as a team! We wish everyone safe and warm holidays with friends and family dearest to you!