Team Rubicon: Aaaarreee You READY??????? --because they are

Are you prepared?  Sox Box knows who is: Team Rubicon.  We are very happy to introduce our new Team Rubicon Sock.  This sock is on our short list of favorites because of what it represents.  Team Rubicon is the embodiment of selfless service, integrity and true grit.  This organization answers the calls when natural disasters strike -- either domestic or international.  Team Rubicon maximizes their impact by combining veterans with medical professionals to deliver timely and necessary help where and when it is needed most.  What makes this group very special is their focus on our nation’s veterans.  Team Rubicon (mission) proactively addresses veterans transition needs allowing them to apply skillsets learned from the military towards disaster response.  They additionally promote the cohesion, camaraderie and leadership that “bridges the gap” that our nations war fighters make from the military to civilian life.  We are further honored to integrate Team Rubicon into the Sox Box Veteran Alliance, our core group of veteran non-profits that maximize value with little overhead costs.  Go out and join, donate and support Team Rubicon when you can.  Simply stated: These guys and gals are awesome!


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